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It is vital to cleanse your Selenite directly after purchasing it because it may contain negative energies absorbed from the places where it was stored or from people who touched it. Selenite is well-known for its ability to self-clean; crystal enthusiasts frequently use it to cleanse and recharge other crystals. However, if you must clean it on a regular basis, never immerse it in water because it is water-soluble. Because salt is corrosive and abrasive, saltwater is even more damaging to this mineral.


Selenite will fascinate you with its soft, gentle vibe and beautiful appearance. However, being a soft mineral it can be damaged easily. You can’t cleanse it with water, salt or salted water, therefore, the safest ways to cleanse your Selenite products are the following:

  • Smudging – when passing the mineral through the smoke of a burning smudging stick or bundle
  • Cleanse it with the sound from a Tibetan singing bowl or bell
  • Leave Selenite in the morning sunlight only for 30 minutes
  • Place the mineral on the windowsill in the moonlight overnight
  • Visualize your Selenite infused by bright white light

Usually, determining the authenticity of a mineral at home can be difficult. When it comes to Selenite, however, a few simple tests can help you distinguish between genuine and fake Selenite.

1. Do a hardness test

Selenite is a soft crystal, but it can look similar to glass. Real selenite can be easily scratched, whereas a fake (likely made of glass) cannot. Take your fingernail or a sharp object and see how easily you can scratch it. If it’s soft and easy to scratch, it’s probably real.

2. Check the temperature

If you’ve purchased a tumbled/polished piece of selenite, scratching it may be difficult due the polish or lacquer used. So, you can test the temperate to determine if it’s real or fake. 

Real Selenite has thermal insulating properties. This means, that real selenite is often warm to the touch. You can take your piece of selenite and touch a piece of glass. The glass should feel cooler to touch than the selenite. 

3. Look at the piece closely, and check for inclusions 

Selenite will have tiny, but visible, impurities when you look closely. This is indicative of the environment it grew in. That can look like small particles of brown or orange clay, sand, or oil. This will not look like perfectly shaped air bubbles – air bubbles are a good indication that your piece is actually made of glass.